Impact of Climate Change on Singapore

Rising Sea Level

 Much of Singapore lies a mere 15m above the mean sea level, while a good 30% is less than 5m above the mean sea level. Hence rising sea level is a threat to our sustenance


 Change in water cycle

Change in the water cycle has caused periods of drought, which has an impact on Singapore’s steady water supply. While on the other hand increase in short spells of intense rainfalls may be too much for the drainage systems to contain as a result it could lead to floods.


Annual Rainfall (mm)


 Annual Frequency of Days with Heavier Rainfall


Note: The trend is indicated by the blue line and the 95% confidence interval.

Damage to ecosystems

The steady rising temperatures pose a serious threat to the flaura and fauna in Singapore. This is because increase in temperatures leads to changes in processes like soil formation, nutrient storage, migration (in animals) etc.

singapore wildlfe

Deteriorating Health

Singapore is extremely vulnerable to vector-borne diseases, and these diseases peak during summer months for example dengue. Further research shows that long warm periods increase the probability if heat stress, and also causes great distress to the elderly and those who are sick.

Increased energy consumption

Increased temperatures will mean that the consumption of air-conditioners will increase, which actually leads to greater carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases, increased levels of which means increased levels of global warming. It’s a vicious cycle.


Food supply threatened

We export 90% of our food supply, climate and water cycle changes have caused problems like drought, storms, flooding etc all across the globe. All this means an acute threat to our food security

