Category Archives: News 新闻资讯

The Formation and Development of New Chinese Diasporas

Dear All,

Greetings from the Chinese Heritage Centre!

We would like to warmly invite you to register for our upcoming International Symposium on The Formation and Development of New Chinese Diasporas: A Transnational, Cross-Regional, and Interdisciplinary Comparative Study.



The distinguished speakers include Prof Cheng Ter-Hsing James (Soochow University, Taiwan), Prof James Chin (The University of Hong Kong), Prof Dai Fan (Jinan University, China), Prof Deng Jian-Bang (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Prof Gao Jia (The University of Melbourne, Australia), Prof Ho Lynn-Ee Elaine (National University of Singapore), Prof Adam Horaleck (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic), Prof Evelyn Hu-Dehart (Brown University), Dr Karsten Giese (GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Germany), Prof Li Minghuan (Jinan University, China), Prof Peter S. Li (University of Saskatchewan, Canada),  Dr Li Xiaoling Eva (The University of Saskatchewan, Canada), Dr Liu Liangni Sally (Massey University, New Zealand), Prof Park Yoon Jung (Rhodes University, South Africa), Prof Shao Chunfen (University of Sydney, Australia), Prof Shen Hsiu-hua (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Mr Shen Xiaolei (Peking University), Prof Song Changzoo (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Dr Wu Bin (University of Nottingham, UK) and Prof Zhou Min (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore).

You may refer to the attached tentative conference programme for more information. We would much appreciate it if you could circulate this announcement to your friends, colleagues and students who might be interested to attend.

Please click here to register.

The closing date for registration is 10 Dec 2015.

For enquiries, please email us at

Looking forward to welcoming you to this exciting conference!

Warmest Regards,

Chinese Heritage Centre

Balancing Act: The Growth and Success of a Family Enterprise 家族与企业双轨并进傅长春如何走过65个春秋?


Speaker / 演讲者:  Mr Poh Choon Ann / 傅春安先生

Chairman & CEO of PTC Logistics / 傅长春储运集团董事长兼总裁

Chair / 主持人:  Prof Zhou Min / 周敏教授

CHC Director / 华裔馆馆长

Date / 日期:      18November 2015 / 2015年11月18日

Time / 时间:      2.30pm –4.30pm / 下午2时30分至4时30分

Venue / 地点:   CHC Auditorium / 华裔馆二楼讲堂

Nanyang Technological University

Chinese HeritageCentre

12 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637721






Please click to register

东方思维与西方油画 :兼论陶瓷文明遗址之旅

The Cultural Dimension of Urban Planning

主持: 华裔馆馆长 周敏教授
日期: 2015年11月7日(星期六)
时间: 下午 2 点至 5 点
地点: 南洋理工大学华裔馆二楼讲堂
12 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637721



Please click here to register

SG50 Celebration Fund资助

” Tiger Parents and Whitz Kids: The Chinese American Achievement Paradox”


Speaker:  Prof Zhou Min
Nanyang Technological University, Chinese Heritage Centre, Director

Prof Jennifer Lee
University of California, Irvine

Date:           29 January 2016
Time:          3.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue:        NTU, Chinese Heritage Centre, Level 2, Auditorium
12 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637721

Further information about the book.

Save the date! Lee and Zhou’s book, ” The Asian American Achievement Paradox”, is now available for sale.

Booklink Pte Ltd
70 Stamford Road
Li Ka Shing Library Building
Singapore 178901
Tel: (+65) 9621 6127(+65) 9621 6127, Email:

Description of the book:

Email interview by “Inside Higher Ed” by Jacqueline Thomsen:

The Washington Post
28 August 2015
The Asian American Achievement Paradox.
By Sarah Kaplan

Quote extracted from Savage Minds:
“Zhou and Lee have done a tremendous amount of science and have a clear body of evidence and a compelling analysis of it…the study has taken on a controversial topic and has done a fine job with it. Anthropologists who want to engage the deep theoretical questions about culture, agency, and inequality that come from studying a politically-charged topic like racial inequality in the US would do well to keep this book and its findings on their radar.”