Mining for more: the ripple effects of Indonesia’s mineral ore export ban

Brian Leonal, Stefanus Ian & Tan Li Jun Sheena

Wong Kim Hoh



Mining for More is a business journalism project that examines the ripples of Indonesia’s mineral export ban after its implementation in 2014. Stefanus and Sheena visited the remote idle bauxite mines in West Kalimantan while Brian braved the gridlocked concrete jungle of Jakarta as the three of them spent two weeks interviewing and taking photographs. Being a major exporter of bauxite and copper, Indonesia’s decision to ban the export of raw minerals impacted the global commodities market heavily. The project examines the struggles of the people on the ground and the effects of the ban on various industries that are interlinked with the mines. Various lucrative investment opportunities in multiple industries are also being created as a result of the ban in Indonesia, which is also Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Many companies and analysts are scrutinising the government’s next move as they await the direction the country will choose under Mr Joko Widodo’s leadership.

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