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Week 12 Overview and Learning Objectives

In today’s challenging business environment, the private sector is increasingly being called upon to take responsibility for resolving some of the world’s most pressing problems – from climate change, to wider impacts of business operations on the environment and community, and the health of their employees.  Effectively managing these responsibilities presents a new kind of challenge for many companies.

Within this evolving context, one of the key outcomes from the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development was a greater emphasis on the value of ‘partnership’ approaches to solving complex sustainability challenges. To achieve this, 21st century businesses need to engage with and maintain meaningful regular interactions with important stakeholders groups to understand their views and incorporate them into strategic decision-making processes.

Robust stakeholder engagement models companies to systematically understand and effectively respond to legitimate stakeholder concerns which ultimately affect their business operations. This week’s content will introduce the main processes in stakeholder analysis and assessment, and assist you with understanding the importance of identifying key stakeholders. It will also define and present some of the main frameworks that have been developed for managing these stakeholders.  By the end of this seminar you should have a theoretical understanding of how to go about conducting stakeholder analysis, and be familiar with some of the frameworks and approaches  to stakeholder management and engagement.

Key Frameworks and Concepts
  • Frameworks for stakeholder analysis and assessment
  • Frameworks for stakeholder management
  • Approaches to stakeholder engagement