(R)evolving: Second Nature

This research aims to examine and explore the impact the Anthropocene (anthropo, for ‘person’ and cene, for ‘new’) has on nature, the planet’s climate, and ecosystem. Through a series of design future strategies such as transition design and speculative design, this project, entitled Second Nature, has undertaken focus group studies, workshops, and interviews to address the rising negative consequences of human’s impact on nature. By studying the results of these findings, Second Nature aims to design for the coexistence and cohabitation of humans with nature at this critical point in today’s deteriorating climate.

Transition design provides a holistic framework that acknowledges the interconnectedness of social, ecological, and technological systems, engaging stakeholders to transition towards a more sustainable future by considering the long-term implications of design decisions and engaging with stakeholders in the process. Speculative Design, on the other hand, explores potential future scenarios, questions assumptions, and challenges the status quo through design fiction to create narratives of future possibilities that can engage stakeholders in envisioning a better future and exploring potential solutions to complex problems.


Smart assistants like Alexa and Siri are fuly formed virtual assistants equipped with functions and personalities that are determined by the companies that created them. What if people can decide what their smart assistants can do and how they behave?

HomeBots is a speculative design proposal for a modular system of intelligent bots that collaborate with each other to improve the future smart home living. The project explores how different people might personalise their home assistants differently and looks into the role technology plays in contemporary issues facing modern society.