Chat With Someone!
There are 3 support options to choose from:
Option 1 – The ADM well-being staff
- ADM Assistant Chair (Student)
- ADM Student Care Manager (SCM)
Our ADM Student Care Manager (SCM), Amber Li works closely with Senior Lecturer Candice Ng (Assistant Chair for Students) on all matters relating to student wellbeing. Please feel free to drop either of us a message if you are facing any challenges relating to your mental wellbeing. Check out the homepage for our emails! If necessary, Amber can also help to connect you with a counsellor at the University Wellbeing Office (UWO).
Option 2 – The ADM student peer helpers and non-ADM student peer helpers
If you find it more comfortable speaking to a peer, ADM has a group of peer helpers who have generously given their time to well-being causes. Student peer helpers may be able to help you on various challenges you face as a student in ADM and provide some guidance or direct you to the appropriate person or channel who may be in a better position to help. You can find the full list of the peer support team and their contact details on the homepage.
If you would like to speak to someone who is a non-ADM peer helper, the University Wellbeing Office also has a Peer Helpers Programme (PHP), they can also support students experiencing psychological distress. Visit this site to check their progamme and get in touch with them.
Option 3 – NTU University Counselling Centre (UCC)
If you prefer to confide in someone in total discretion without going through any ADM personnel, you can reach out directly to the University Counselling Centre (UCC) to make an appointment and speak with a counselor directly. Counselling sessions with UWO are strictly confidential and ADM will not be informed of anything you confide in UWO counsellors. You can log on to the student intranet to make an appointment.
1. Log on to the student intranet.
2. Select ‘Student Wellbeing’
3. Select ‘Counselling’
4. Scroll down and select ‘Making Appointments (Students)’
5. Fill up the online form and submit.