
Research Interests

Languages I have personally done fieldwork on:
Tibeto-Burman: Angami, Chang, Chungli Ao, Thang dialect of Khiamniungan, Patsho dialect of Khiamniungan, Lotha, Mongsen Ao, Sangtam, Yimkhiung, Zeme
Indo-Aryan: Hindi (Haflong Assam variety), Nagamese, Nepali (Nagaland variety), Assamese
Tai-Kadai: Central Thai, Southern Thai, Shan.

Research topics:
Language documentation and description, anthropological linguistics, linguistic typology, language contact in South Asia/Southeast Asia, nominalization, clause linkage, Tibeto-Burman historical linguistics, grammaticalization, morphosyntax, tone systems, articulatory and acoustic phonetics, pragmatic influences on grammar, language maintenance, lexicography for minority languages.

Research Grants – Principal investigator

2022 – 2025 Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore. Project title: RG99/21 The typology of Tibeto-Burman tone: Diachronic and synchronic perspectives from Northeast India. Amount awarded: SGD $79,976.07.
2019 – 2022 Japan Society for the Advancement of Science-Nanyang Technological University grant (with Prof Hideo Sawada, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign studies). Project title: Ethnolinguistic contact across the Indo-Myanmar-Southwestern China mountains: Migration routes, intercultural interactions, and linguistic outcomes. Amount awarded: SGD $41,925
2016 – 2021 Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore. Project title: RG63/16 Archaeological linguistics and the prehistory of Northeast India: reconstructing the past through ancient technologies and practices, and correlating the results with migration histories. Amount awarded: SGD $81,627.97.
2016 – 2018 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. Project title: Linguistic diversity in north-east India: contact, convergence and classification. Amount awarded: Eur. 41,712.
2013 – 2016 Academic Research Fund Tier 2 grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore. Project title: MOE2012-T2-1-100 Exploring the crossroads of linguistic diversity: Language contact in Southeast Asia. Amount awarded: SGD $527,455.
2011 Seed funding for development of a Tier-2 research proposal, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. Amount awarded: SGD $5000.
2010 – 2011 Start-up Grant, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University. Project title: ‘Grammatical description and
digital documentation of endangered languages of Nagaland, North-east India.’
Amount awarded: SGD $83,818.
2009 Endeavour Research Fellowship, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Government of Australia (offer declined to take up tenure-track position at NTU). Amount awarded: AUD
2004 – 2007 Principal investigator, Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship. Project title: DP0450943 A typology of adverbial subordination and clause linkage in Tibeto-Burman languages. Total amount awarded: AUD $280,168.


Research Grants – Co-PI

2024 – 2027 Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore. Project title: RG127/23 Documenting and Digitizing Singapore’s Linguistic Heritage: Constructing a Repository of Singapore Chinese Language Varieties (PI Lin Ningxia). Total amount awarded: SGD $92,472.25 (20% commitment).
2013 – 2016 Academic Research Fund Tier 2 grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore. Project title: MOE2013-T2-1-016: Grammar matrix reloaded: Syntax and semantics of affectedness (PI František Kratochvíl). Total amount awarded: SGD $312,490 (20% commitment).