
Single-authored monographs
  1. Coupe, Alexander R. 2007a. A grammar of Mongsen Ao. Mouton Grammar Library 39.Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. xxiii+526 pp. [Link]
    Review by Shobhana L. Chelliah (2010), Himalayan Linguistics Review 10, pp.1–9. [Link]
    Review by Harald Hammarström, The Linguist List 15/1/2010 [Link]
    Review by James A. Matisoff. 2011. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area Vol. 34.1:119–133.
    Review by Gregory D.S. Anderson. 2013. Studies in Language 37.4: 883–891. [Link]
  2. Coupe, Alexander R. 2003. A phonetic and phonological description of Ao: a Tibeto- Burman language of Nagaland, north-east India. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. xix+137 pp.
Guest editorship of journal issues
  1. Coupe, Alexander R. Randy J. LaPolla & Hideo Sawada (eds.) 2023. Ethnolinguistic contact across the Indo-Myanmar-Southwestern China mountains. Asian Languages and Linguistics 4.2.
  2. Kratochvíl, František, Alexander R. Coupe & Randy J. LaPolla (eds.). 2011. Studies in Transitivity: Insights from Language Documentation. Studies in Language 35.3.
  3. Coupe, Alexander R. (ed.). 2008. Special issue on nominalization in Tibeto-Burman, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area Vol. 31.2.
Refereed contributions to edited volumes
  1. Coupe, Alexander R. 2022. Language contact and linguistic diversity in Nagaland. In Yanthan Yanbeni & Hewasa Lorin (eds.) Critical conversations in Naga society, 9–32. Dimapur (Nagaland): Heritage Publications.
  2. Coupe, Alexander R. & František Kratochvíl. 2020. Asia before English. In Bolton, Kingsley, Werner Botha & Andy Kirkpatrick (eds.) Handbook of Asian Englishes, 15–48. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 
  3. Coupe, Alexander R. 2018. Grammaticalization processes in South Asian languages. In Narrog, Heiko & Bernd Heine (eds). Grammaticalization from a typological perspective, 189–218. Oxford University Press.
  4. Coupe, Alexander R. 2017. Mongsen Ao. In Thurgood, Graham & Randy J. LaPolla (eds.) The Sino-Tibetan languages, 2nd Edn., 277–301. Oxford and New York: Routledge.
  5. Coupe, Alexander R. 2017. On the diachronic origins of converbs in Tibeto-Burman and beyond. In Ding, Picus, & Jamin Pelkey (eds.) Sociohistorical linguistics in Southeast Asia: New horizons for Tibeto-Burman studies in honor of David Bradley, 211–237. Leiden: Brill
  6. Coupe, Alexander R. 2007b. Converging patterns of clause linkage in Nagaland. In Miestamo, Matti and Wälchli, Bernhard (eds), New challenges in typology: Broadening the horizons and redefining the foundations. Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs 189, 339–361. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  7. Coupe, Alexander R. 2006. Converbs. In Brown, Keith (ed.), Encyclopedia of languages and linguistics, 2nd Edition, Vol. 3, 145–152. Oxford: Elsevier.
  8. Coupe, Alexander R. 2001. Thai. In Garry, Jane & Rubino, Carl (eds.), Facts about the world’s major languages: an encyclopedia of the world’s major languages, past and present, 733–739. New York and Dublin: H.W. Wilson.
Refereed journal articles
  1. Coupe, Alexander R. 2023. The role of cognitive schemas in linguistic convergence: from nominative-accusative to ergative-absolutive alignment in Nagamese. Asian Languages and Linguistics 4(2): 251–272. DOI:
  2. Kelly, Joan Marie, Alexander R. Coupe, František Kratochvíl, Lim Qixuan, Ng Xiao Yan, Ong Han Yu, Amos Teo, & Lauren Gawne. 2021. Illustrating literacy materials for Endangered Languages: Ethical dilemmas and artistic trials. Asian Journal of Sociological Research 5(2): 88-107.
  3. Coupe, Alexander R. 2020. Northern Sangtam phonetics, phonology and word list. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 43(1): 148–189. DOI:
  4. Coupe, Alexander & S.A.M. Lestrade. 2017. Non-structural case marking in Tibeto-Burman and artificial languages. Linguistic Discovery 15.1: 1–34. DOI:10.1349/PS1.1537-0852.A.475
  5. Coupe, Alexander R. 2014. Strategies for analyzing tone languages. Language Documentation & Conservation Vol. 8: 462–489. [Link]
  6. Coupe, Alexander R. 2013. Tense, but in the mood: Diachronic perspectives on the representation of time in Ao. Language and Linguistics 16.6: 1105 – 1113. [Link]
  7. Coupe, Alexander R. 2012. Overcounting numeral systems and their relevance to sub- grouping in the Tibeto-Burman languages of Nagaland. Special Issue on Sino-Tibetan Comparative Studies, Language and Linguistics, Vol. 13.1: 193–220. [Link]
  8. Coupe, Alexander R. 2011. On core case marking patterns in two Tibeto-Burman languages of Nagaland. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 34.2: 21–47.
  9. Coupe, Alexander R. 2011. Pragmatic foundations of transitivity in Ao. Studies in Language 35.3: 492-522.
  10. LaPolla, Randy J., František Kratochvíl & Alexander R. Coupe. 2011. On transitivity. Studies in Language 35.3: 469–492.
  11. Genetti, Carol, Alexander R. Coupe (2nd author), Ellen Bartee, Kristine Hildebrandt and You-Jing Lin. 2008. Syntactic aspects of nominalization in five Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayan area. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area Vol. 31.2: 97–143.
  12. Coupe, Alexander R. 2002. Temporal deixis in Ao. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Vol 1/1: 5–20.
Refereed conference proceedings
  1. Coupe, Alexander R. 2018. South Asian perspectives on the relative-correlative construction. In 51回国際漢蔵語学会実行委員会・京都大学白眉センター (51st International Kanji Language Society Executive Committee (eds.)Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics. Kyoto: Kyoto University Hakubi Center
  2. Coupe, Alexander R. 2015. Prestopped bilabial trills in Sangtam. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper no 0734.1–5. [Link]
  3. Coupe, Alexander R. 1998. The acoustic and perceptual features of tone in the Tibeto- Burman language Ao Naga. Vol 2, pp. 57–60 of Mannell, Robert and Robert Ribes, Jordi (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Canberra: ASSTA. ISBN 1 876346 17 5.
Book reviews, editorials and magazine articles
  1. Coupe, Alexander R. Randy J. LaPolla and Hideo Sawada. 2023. Introduction: Ethnolinguistic contact across the Indo-Myanmar-Southwestern China mountains. Asian Languages and Linguistics 4(2): 113–118. DOI:
  2. Coupe, Alexander R. 2014. Language of the hill people: Sabah’s common tongues. Asian Geographic Passport. No 32, Issue 3: 6.
  3. Coupe, Alexander R. 2008. From the editor. Special issue on nominalization in Tibeto- Burman, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area Vol. 31.2: iii–viii.
  4. Coupe, Alexander R. 1998. Review of Abbi, Anvita (ed.), Tribal and indigenous languages of India. South Asia Vol XXI No 2.