Calendar of Industry Engagement Activities

Create greater brand awareness and establish long-term relationships with NTU student talents through various student-focused career educational activities and services.

Name Event Period Target Audience Objective Contact
NTU PEAK Leadership Development Programme Feb and Sep Year 2 and 3 undergraduate students

Brand and mentor high-potential students through this one-month intensive leadership development programme.


Ms Joy Koh


The Insider Series

Aug – Oct

Jan – Mar

Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students

Brand and develop career-ready graduates.

Train and nurture students on career and employability skills through relevant workshops.


Ms Doreen Ang


(Job Shadowing)

Oct (recess week) 

Mar (recess week) 

Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students

“Learning through experiencing” concept to inspire students to pursue a career in your company.

A short duration programme which allows students to gain a better understanding of a specific role/function.

Ms Joreen Low

Company Visits

Aug – Oct

Jan – Mar

Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students

Beyond classroom learning.

Offer students with a deeper insights into the company or industry where employers display their domain expertise.

Ms Joreen Low

Mr Ivan Choong


“NTU CAmpcOde”

Throughout the year Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students A new initiative to provide experiential learning by collaborating with industry partners to foster an environment in which students come together to learn from each other, share knowledge, deepen skills and help provide solutions to actual business problem.

Ms Joreen Low

Mentorship Community

“NTU Connecting Minds”

Throughout the year Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students

Be a mentor to our students seeking career advice and guidance.  

Our online mentorship platform “NTU Connecting Minds” connects you to share your skills and experience with our students.

Mr Ryan Hong 

Mr Ivan Choong  

Alumni Networking Engagements Throughout the year Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students Enable students to develop a deeper understanding of companies/industries through interactions with the alumni working in the company/industry.

Mr Ryan Hong  

LevelUP! Throughout the year Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students This is our 3-months structured mentorship programme under the NTU Mentorship Community “Connecting Minds”. Students are matched with Mentors to learn relevant skills and experience.  

Mr Ryan Hong  

Collaterals sponsorship Throughout the year Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students

CAO distributes gift items and goodie bags to Student Clubs, NTU Halls and the general NTU student community. This has a considerable mileage for companies to build brand awareness or enhance brand image.

Other opportunities: 

  • Sponsor students on student activities
  • Sponsor students for overseas attachments

Ms Yvette Ku

Advertisement in CAREERTracks Sep  Over 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students Increase your company’s mindshare on campus with print and online advertisements in our exclusive career guide for NTU students.

Ms Joreen Low