I have got my 1st purple flower Qi Pao in 2005. It was very good quality and was a present from my best friend. I was supposed to dress it up and to be the bride’s mate at her wedding. For certain reason, I did not get to wear it. I have kept it for 10 years before I really wore it for the 1st time in 2015 in my own wedding.
This Qi Pao keeps a lot of memories of my younger days, friendships, ups and downs in life of those 10 years. As a Chinese lady, the love for Qi Pao was a nature feeling. However, busy day to day life and living in a strong western influenced society have made me forgotten the beauty of wearing Qi Pao.
Thanks to my husband David who proposed to me in late 2015. His proposal triggered me to think what to wear in the wedding. My purple flower Qi Pao came up to my mind.
I was very excited that I could really wear it for such an important event of my life.
Now, my very 1st Qi Pao, my own, signifies my love to David and commitment to our relationship. My 1st Qi Pao become the witness of my life.
Tina Wang
王 伟
Founder/Consultant, VicSite Consultancy (Singapore) Pte Ltd