
What is Haze?

Definition of Haze

A slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles.

Resulting in:
  • The reduction of Clarity and Color of our vision

Due to the scattering and absorption of sunlight by tiny pollution particles in the air.

via the realsingapore.com

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Where do the Pollutants come from?

Consist of:

  1. Natural Sources
  2. Man-Made Sources
Natural Sources
  • Dust & Soot from Forest fires
  • Dry weather
Man-Made Sources
  • Motor vehicles
  • Electricity Generation
  • Manufacturing Operations

via dreamstime.com


Some are emitted into the air, while others are formed when the gases react to form particles in the air.


Chemical Composition of the Pollutants

They are made up of a mixture of Air-borne pollutants:

  • Soot Particles (PM10 and PM2.5)
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Non-methane hydrocarbons;  NOx & SO2

Haze Formation




Salinas, S. V.; Chew, B. N.; Miettinen, J.; Campbell, J. R.; Welton, E. J.; Reid, J. S.; Yu, L. E.; Liew, S. C., Atmospheric Research 2013, 122 (0), 555-570

Forsyth, T., Global Environmental Change 2014, 25 (0), 76-86

Atreya, S. K., Faraday Discussions 2010, 147 (0), 9-29.
