Why is it important?

Acid rain is a serious environmental issue that is prevalent in the world that we live in today. Acid rain has various ramifications on our daily lives and infrastructures. It is important to understand the harmful effects that acid rain bring about and how it impacts our society so that we can take the necessary measures to counteract the issue.

Acid rain is caused by emissions of chemicals such as SO2 and NO2 which react in the atmosphere to produce acid. SO2 emissions are mainly concentrated in regions where coal-fired industries are while NO2 emissions are highest in areas with high vehicle traffic. There are other causes which we will look into further into our project.

The effects of acid rain are extensive and damaging. For example, metals are vulnerable to damage from acid rain. In order to preserve the integrity of the buildings, much money must be spent on repairs and preservation. Acid rain also causes forest degradation and affects the growth of the plants. This indirectly contributes to global warming. Furthermore, acid rain decreases the lifespan of aquatic lives in water bodies which affects the ecosystem negatively.

As seen, acid rain impacts our lives adversely. Therefore, our group has decided to delve into this topic to raise awareness of the harmful effects that acid rain bring about. In order to alleviate the issue, we believe that we should assess how much is our own country affected by it and how we contribute to it.