All posts by p120032

Meeting log #2 – 11 February 2015

Location: Tables outside LT22

Time: 12pm

Duration: 1.5 hours

Met up before class to complete the About The Team and Introduction pages. Everyone was present.

Under Introduction, we provided our reasons for why we chose to focus on HDPE. It is one of the top three most utilized polymers in the word, but it is not easily biodegradable. We found a video, pictures, and graphs to further illustrate how common HDPE is in society and the many uses of it.

We had problems trying to figure out how to add multiple posts to the new pages we created. Still a little confused about how wordpress works so we will have to request for assistance during the clinic later on.

Things to do before our next meeting:

-Research more about our topic


Meeting log #1 – 7 February 2015

Location: Whatsapp and Google doc

Time: 1pm

Duration: 2 hours

Met online to brainstorm topics for the group project. Everyone was present.

We decided on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) as it is the most common form of plastic in the world. Came up with a brief outline of our project — introduction, production, uses, advantages and disadvantages.

Emailed prof about our choice of topic and are now awaiting his reply.

Things to be done before the next meeting:

– Everyone to complete their individual profile on the About Team page