Team Questions Session 3

1) The atmosphere retains much of the energy radiated by the surface. This is known as the greenhouse effect. The energy leaving Earth’s surface (390 W/m square) will rise up to the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Atmosphere containing greenhouse gases such as (CO2, N2O and H20) will gain energy and cause bonds to vibrate. As these molecules losses energy, some of these energy will be return to the earth surface. This causes the Earth temperature to be high even though much energy are leaving the earth surface. This emphasis on the fact that even though much energy leaves the earth surface, these energy is not able to escape to space due to greenhouse gases that trap it. Hence, much energy is retain in the earth.


2) The cartoon is not justified. This is because winter will still occur even though global warming is occurring. Firstly, season we experience are a result of Earth’s tilted axis as it revolves around the sun. It is cause due to the fact that earth is tilted at 23.4 degree. During the Northern winter the Northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and light from the sun hit earth at different angle. Thus, causing us to experience the different of season. Even if some part of the earth experience winter, does not mean that global warming have stop.


3) It was not successful because there was absorption of microwave radiation by water vapor in the air and interferes with the detection of intended objects. this is like microwave oven that uses the concept of using microwave to vibrate molecules to cook food. Radar detector far apart from one another will not be able to detect the weak transmission due to the energy loss when the radiation is interfered with water vapor in the air.






4) Our group believes that air quality poses the most serious problems in the short run. For instance, during the haze cause by Indonesia deforestation. There are a rise health or lung related illnesses.

During the smoke haze pollution of 1997, there was an immediate 30 per cent increase in outpatient attendance and increased accident and emergency attendance for haze-related conditions. Measurements showed that 94 per cent of haze particles were smaller than 2.5 microns in diametre, which is the size that bypasses our filtering system and gets deposited in our lung tissues.

4 part 2) Our group believes that global warming is the most serious problem for us in the long run. This is because the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere affects us slowly but may impact us greatly when these slow changes accumulate over time.

When CO2 emissions rise, this greenhouse gas traps more heat from the sun within Earth’s atmosphere, for example. However, warmer air is also able to hold more water vapor, which is also a greenhouse gas, so this feedback enhances the effects of the CO2 alone. In addition, when snow and sea ice melt, they expose land or water that soaks up solar heat (due to albeto ) , instead of reflecting it like ice does. (white color reflects more light as compared to dark colors. This process take places slowly. However, in the long run its impact may cause serious change. For instance the polar bears in the north poles now suffered for less winter period. This is due to the climate changes. These polar bears now have 3 weeks less to consume enough food for their hibernation period during the different seasons. When there is shorter winter, ice on the north poles melts driving off the polar bears. This shows the impact of the global warming that causes climate changes rapidly which impacts on the animals on earth.

Rising Sea Levels
Water expands when heated, and sea levels are expected to rise due to climate change. Rising sea levels will also result as the polar caps begin to melt. Rising sea levels is already affecting many small islands. For instance, rising sea level will affect people in India Calcutta. Homes will be destroyed as a result of rising sea level.

When there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means more carbon dioxide in the ocean. Atmospheric CO2 is dissolved in the ocean, which becomes more acidic. The resulting changes in the chemistry of the oceans disrupts the ability of plants and animals in the sea to make shells and skeletons of calcium carbonate, while dissolving shells already formed.

We emphasize again that these changes take place slowly. It may now have great impact on us now but in the future, The impacts may be disastrous.