Meeting Log 2

Meeting Date : 16th March

Location : South Spine NTU (Study Benches Near LKC)

Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm

Present: Everyone

Things the group did:

Decided the team’s deadline on individual assignments


Discussion on the chemical concepts of haze:

Discussed individual research and narrowed down to following topics:

  • Causes of haze (Haze mixtures derivatives)
  • Harmful effects of haze on the human body(Chemical effect)


Discussion on the implications of haze on the society:

Researched on spot and discussed the feasibility of following topics:


  • Government actions (E.g. PSI Index)


  • Agreements made between nations

Tasks to be done: 

Chemical concept (Shan, Simran, WH)

Implications (SC, TK, Kelvin)