Activated by:
- wind
- sound
- touch
- light
- motion
- gaze
Change created:
- changes colour
- moves
- lights up
- hide and seek
- cut out
- conceal front, reveal back
- halter neck/bare back
- opens and closes
- intimacy and emotion
- obvious/subtle
- geometric/structural
- open back
Narrowing in on an idea
Conceal and Reveal -showing, moving, opening
As it’s an exhibition piece I want it to be interactive and respond to an audience – interactivity and relationship that although they are looking at the dress, the dress is also looking at you.
Idea of eyes/blinking/opening/eyelashes/peacock tail opening/moving.
The concept of “Peacocking” means to wear attention-getting clothing -the garment demands to be looked at.
Peacock – could use feathers, pattern, colour
Also option to print with thermo inks and so there’s another element of interactivity and then the fabric can change colour when it is touched.
Proximity sensor to activate the response to the viewer watching, when they come close enough.
Motion activated could be a vibration or opening/unveiling motion.
Also looked at the costumes from The Hunger Games movies – Katniss’ costumes in particular have incorporated an extravagance, transformation, change, unveiling as they work to get a reaction from the audience. Feathers are also incorporated -as pattern, shoulder pads, collar etc.