Week 11 – The Dress and Feathering it up

I made some feathers with paper and also have some feathers.
I chose to mix both medium showing that things that are man-made and natural elements can mix together.

Then I added the feathers on the wooden frame.

Also, Prof Galina suggested that I should have a dress to go with the wings since for the exhibition, the pieces have to showcase on the mannequin. So I choose a basic dress pattern. Prof Galina helped me with coming up with the dress patterns and she also taught me to use the industrial sewing machine. This is how the dress will look like with the hood.



I went back a few days later to paint patterns on the dress.




Week 10 – Fixing the Code and the Servo

I tried the servos on the frame of the wings, and realized that they are unable to hold up just the wooden frames, without the servos. Thus, I ordered 2 servos with 13kg/cm Torque. These are stronger servos should be holding the wings up.


Also, the servos are moving slightly too fast for the wings. So with help from Prof Naga, I was able to include a new library that alter the speed of the wings. Since my Z-axis is a sweep on the servos, it doesn’t make sense. Prof Naga helped me too switch controls between 2 servos.