Dye – failed;;;

This is the process but take note of the following first!!!

**IMPORTANT**: you cannot dye polyester cloth (because it is plastic). So PLEASE check before you buy the cloth with the shop sellers!!

I got this dye and you can follow instructions on the packaging. Generally, you want to dissolved the dye in warm water and then dip the cloth in. Add vinegar if you want the cloth to absorb the dye better because they are proteins (as quoted from Galina when I consulted her about it). If you want to achieve a gradient like how I wanted, you have to constantly dip the cloth instead of just leaving the cloth in the basin.

Add salt if you want it to have a nice crystal effect on the cloth itself!

Dying chiffon is slightly more difficult because it is still plastic. But it is possible. You will need a lot of vinegar to do this, and the water has to be consistently hot! So you need to dye it at at an induction cooker or a fire!


This is the result after trying to dye it. After rinsing off the dye, the colour is still white T_T


Oh well, I guess I am getting pre-dyed cloth instead. (I am running out of time experimenting!!)

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