IT IS DONEE! (Well.. Galina sewed it for me because I was helping her laser cut components for her dress :x)
Now all that’s left is to sew the electronics to the dress and trim away loose threads!
Peng Cheng has been helping me with the codes for the Arduino. Basically, she helped me set triggers with the pulse sensor and the sweat conductance sensor. If the pulse sensors senses a pulse of about 90 and above, it will trigger a pattern for the LED sewn onto the dress – slow pulsation. It goes the same for the sweat sensor. If there is no trigger, the LEDs fades in and out from top to bottom as if it is a wave of light. However, I can’t seem to fix the problem where by the light doesn’t fade properly; and seems to blink slightly as it fades out, or it doesn’t fade right to darkness. The code is correct (a few people familiar with arduino helped me to check), so it could be a connection problem…