Ruffles – How to make them

You start by sewing straight with a sewing gap of 5. You will need to sew twice because you will be tugging the strings; sewing twice acts as a safety net, just in case the thread snaps while pulling and you still have the other to hold the ruffles shape, or if the cloth frays too much (like my chiffon), at least you have the other thread to the ruffles.


Remember that you have to leave space between each space, and you need to sew continuously throughout the whole length of cloth without breaking thread, and if you broke the thread halfway through sewing, you need to start over again!


The ruffles are created when you pull only either the top thread or the bottom thread. if you pull both, the threads will entangle! Just keep pulling until you get the desire ruffle effects you want 😀


Ta-da! ruffles for the dress is done! all that’s left is to finish sewing the fishing lines in as taught in the previous post!

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