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Armenian Church Project

Image: Laser Scan Section of 14th century Armenian Church, Famagusta (Source: CoHASS)

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The Armenian Church Project applies cutting edge visualization technologies to the historic city of Famagusta in the non-UN recognized country of Northern Cyprus, and is setting a model for cultural heritage preservation in post-conflict zones (Walsh, 2017).The project aims to study and protect the fragile cultural heritage of Famagusta with the full understanding that the applied VR, AR, immersive, interactive and 4D story-telling technologies are serious academic tools that contain immense, largely unharnessed, pedagogical potential. Having piloted this over the past 5 years (and having had it published in 2017) Michael Walsh is now turning his attention to Singapore and its heritage sites, in particular Waterloo Street.


  • Michael Walsh
    School of Art, Design and Media