wk09: Fiber Etching


Dissolving of cellulose in velvet to create a translucent pattern.


  • Velvet (mixture of protein- and cellulose-based materials)
  • Fiber etch liquid
  • Screen print stencil OR brush
  • Iron


  1. Steam-iron the velvet
    note: iron on the non-fuzzy side
  2. Place the pattern template on top of the velvet
  3. Pour etching liquid onto the edge of the silk screen frame
  4. Sweep over the screen a few times until the etching liquid is evenly distributed onto the velvet
  5. Leave the velvet to dry for 24 hours as the liquid ‘eats’ the cellulose
  6. Iron the velvet to remove the burnt fibres
  7. Wash to stop the process




Unfortunately the fiber etch liquid couldn’t spread evenly through the stencil even though I swept over it a few times, so the sample was a failure… only little bits of the fibre could be brushed away. For future reference, I think it would be better to apply the liquid directly with a brush – or if a stencil is absolutely necessary, the surface of the fabric needs to be checked (apparently there is  a slight difference in shade when the liquid is applied).

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