Final Project

The rococo architecture was my inspiration for the final project because I really loved the ornamental designs. I wanted to replicate this ornamental designs and the colours to make it wearable using the different techniques I’ve learnt during this module.

Exploration of techniques


As the Rococo period was known for it’s extravagance and as seen in the chandeliers that were huge and full of crystals that were so eye catching. In order to replicate the cut crystals I bought a jewel mould to cast the resin. I’m using resin as when it cures, it creates a smooth surface and is transparent like crystals. I added colours to create the look of precious stones such as emeralds and sapphires.

Rococo ceilings were known to have paintings and trying to emulate that, I used resin to encapsulate the printed paper to create the look of oil painted paintings.

Hot glue gun

I borrowed Hai Yen’s baroque moulds to replicate the rococo stucco on the ceilings which were actually made of plaster.  As her moulds were very intricate, I used the hot glue gun instead of resin to get into the tiny crevices. Also the hot glue gun is a “cheat” way as it hardens way faster than resin and is inexpensive yet gets the job done. To create the gilded effect, I spray painted the hot glue forms with Gold chrome or Silver chrome depending on the colour scheme.

Fabric of Thread

Rococo ceilings had lots of details and intricacies and were known to be delicate. They were inspired by nature as seen in the fluidity of their elaborate curved form often resembles the letters “S” and “C”. I thought that the fabric of thread was a great way to show the fluidity of nature due to the curving of threads and delicateness from the fragility of the fabric.


Another way to exude the opulence and 3D effect of the rococo style was embroidery. I used gold threads to embroider the fabric and to create the gilded effect without having to be 3D yet because the gold is so eye catching, it creates an aura / glows when lights reflects of it.

Final Product

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