Week 5 – Felting and applique


Materials include felt cloth and wool string. The first technique is wet felting, where a bunch of different coloured felt are arranged into a pattern piece before hot water and soap are applied to the felt. Then the entire piece is rubbed between my hands to consolidate and intertwine the fibres of the felt closer together, and the soap softens the fibres which makes this easier to do so.

Resulting outcome

Needle and nuno felting. Needle felting involves scrunching up a lump of felt into a ball and poking it continuously with the felting needle, which helps consolidate and intertwine the fibres together so they hold the shape of the ball and dont come apart.

Nuno felting involves a similar poking or stabbing technique, the only difference is that the felt is arranged over another flat piece of cloth and repeatedly poked into the cloth to intertwine the mesh and underlying cloth fibres together.

Next technique is applique, which is the sewing of smaller pieces of fabric onto a larger piece of fabric to create a patterned piece.

This is a relatively simple technique, and i enjoy that even in randomness beauty can be created. The only difficulty was that the sewing machine can be difficult to use at times, which was a bit frustrating. Alas i am satisfied with the outcome.

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