6 Felting

Lesson 05, 13 September 2018

Felting is a textile material that is formed by condensed fibers pressed together. It is can made from natural fibers like wools and animal furs, or synthetic fibers made out of acrylic. It is highly transformative, where it can processed with colour dyes or compressed into a denser form.

Wet felting

Materials: Wool, hand soap, warm water

Shape wool to desired pattern. Pour warm water just enough to wet the wool. Drip few drops of hand soap and gently rub wool against each other for about half a minute. Rinse to wash the soap off. Leave it to dry.

Hand soap acts as an agent to bind fibers together, while warm water helps to expedite the process. It is suitable for creating flat and dense wool surface.

Needle Felting

Materials: Wool, felt needle, sponge

Ball up wool into a ball. Using sponge as a backing, poke continuously into the ball until fibers are firmly woven.

Material Application:

Wet felt pendants – https://lincsinstitches.com/2018/01/06/wet-felted-pendants/

Needle felted llama – https://www.brwnpaperbag.com/2017/03/21/needle-felted-llamas/

Needle felted highland cow – https://www.flickr.com/photos/feltedfido/17125510733


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