15 Latex & Resin Cast

Lesson 12, 8 November 2018


Latex is a casting method that uses gum extracted from rubber trees to create flexible molds. It is often used for special effect models or masks.

Materials: Latex, hardener, molding cast, plastic cups, stirrers, food colourings

Mix latex and hardener (in proportion of 100g to 4g respectively). Stir well before pouring into mold cast. Leave it to stiffen, about 15 minutes.


Resin Cast

Resin casting uses acrylics, polyesters, urethanes or epoxies to create molds. It is a cheap production method as molding cast can be reused to create multiple copies. It is commonly used for industrial prototypes and dentistry models.

Materials: Latex, hardener, molding cast, plastic cups, stirrers, acrylic paints

Mix latex and hardener (in proportion of 100g to 4g respectively). Stir well before pouring into mold cast. Leave it to stiffen, about 15-30 minutes. Keep in mind to not touch resin during curing as it heats up. Smoke may appear too.


Material application:





Lion latex prosthetic mask – https://www.mostlydead.com/products/lion-foam-latex-prosthetic

Resin abyss pendant – https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/628069002/abyss-pendant?ref=shop_home_active_11


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