What is fibre etching?
This method also known as Devore works best on  fabric blends that contain both cellulose and non-cellulose. The chemical in the etching liquid “eats” away the cellulose, leaving the non-cellulose within the fabric intact.

Materials needed:
Silkscreen with design prepared
Velvet (80% rayon, 20% silk)
Fibre remover

How to do it:
Place the screen above the velvet.
Spread a good amount of fibre remover onto the screen.
Apply pressure and screen the design onto the fabric with the squeegee.
Remove the screen. Leave the velvet to dry.
Iron till the design appears burnt. (see if it can be scraped off)
Wash off the burnt parts. Dry it.
There! You have your negative space design!


What is bleaching?
Bleaching is the destruction of colouring matter from textile to achieve the original colour or the raw colour of the textile.

Materials needed:
Dark coloured fabric
Rubber bands

How to do it:
Dilute the bleach with water using a 1:1 ratio in a spray bottle.
Fold and secure the fabric with rubber bands or lay a stencil over top the fabric.
Then spray the fabric with bleach.
Wash the fabric. Leave to dry.

Again with the element of surprise, you have little control over the results hence each piece is again unique and I really like the effect achieved for they resemble microscopic cells.

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