What is fabric of thread?
This method requires the use of threads, sewn and interlocked with one another to create a specific type of fabric that resembles lace.

Materials needed:
Water-soluble stabiliser
Decorative threads / Sewing threads / Yarn
Sewing machine
Sewing pins (to hold everything in place so the threads do not run)
Object to hold the water soluble lattice into shape (optional)
UV resistant clear acrylic spray

How to do it:
Arrange the threads between a sheet of water soluble stabiliser of desired dimensions
Use needles to secure the sheet
Stitch the two planes together using a sewing machine
Wash and soak in warm water until the stabiliser dissolves
Mould over a 3D object and allow it to dry completely
Spray it with Spray Starch to harden it

Ohmygoddd i love this method. I have always wondered how this method could have been achieved, did they really joined and attached pieces of thread together one by one? Finally got to know how it can be done! I really love how each piece of thread interact with one another to form an interlocking network and see how something so thin and fragile and rather insignificant can actually form a surface that is strong enough to hold things up and provide support.