12 ~ Resin


Resin. It is encapsulating different object in clear chemical that will harden in the shape of the mould.


  • Resin
  • Objects (to encapsulate)


  • Mould (heat-resistant)
  • Weighing scale
  • Mask
  • Gloves


  1. Wipe and/or air gun the mould to remove dust
  2. Spray conditioner onto the mould
  3. Pour the resin liquid and hardener in a ratio of 100 to 4
  4. Stir the mixture evenly
  5. Pour into the mould before it dries
  6. (optional) Place the object to encapsulate into the mould


Class demonstration
My sample


It is an interesting but quite poisonous process (thus the mask and gloves). It results in pretty products that will be different from one another. The greatest challenge is to quickly arrange the object before the resin dries out and not to move it to much so as to keep the result as clear as possible.

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