Vacuum Forming. It is to create plastic mould using vacuum forming machine.
- Mould
- Plastic sheet
- Vacuum forming machine
- Turn on and heat up the machine (make sure the heat knob is at 3)
- Cut out a sheet of the plastic sheet to required size
- Place the mould onto the allocated spot of the vacuum forming machine
- Place the plastic sheet on the opening
- Pull down the cover
- Lock it in place
- Pull out the heater and wait for the plastic sheet to heat up and straightened
- Turn the vacuum on
- Pull the lever at the right side to bring the mould up
- Once the mould touches the plastic sheet, pull down the little lever on the left to stretch the plastic for more complex or taller mould
I did not realise the school has the machine, and such machine exist with not so much complexity to use. Great knowledge, likely to use it in the future.