9 ~ Fiber Etching


Fiber Etching. It is removing parts of velvet to create pattern with transparent-like effect.


  • Velvet (mixture of protein- and cellulose-based materials)
  • Fiber remover liquid


  • Screen print stencil OR brush
  • Iron


  1. Steam-iron the back of the velvet
  2. Place the screen print stencil on top of the velvet
  3. Pour fiber remover liquid onto the edge of the silk screen frame
  4. Sweep over the screen until the etching liquid is evenly distributed onto the velvet
  5. Leave the velvet to dry for 24 hours as the liquid will burn the cellulose
  6. Iron the velvet to remove the burnt fibres
  7. Wash to stop the process


Pretty sample
My sample
My sample


It was an expensive material to begin with, but the result was worth it. I have no idea why my velvet become ‘fried’ and it the burnt and brown left over was not removed even after several washings. I though of bleaching it but it would be bad if the velvet will create holes, so I left it the way it was.

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