4 ~ Vacuum Forming


Vacuum Forming. It is to create plastic mould using vacuum forming machine.


  • Mould
  • Plastic sheet


  • Vacuum forming machine


  1. Turn on and heat up the machine (make sure the heat knob is at 3)
  2. Cut out a sheet of the plastic sheet to required size
  3. Place the mould onto the allocated spot of the vacuum forming machine
  4. Place the plastic sheet on the opening
  5. Pull down the cover
  6. Lock it in place
  7. Pull out the heater and wait for the plastic sheet to heat up and straightened
  8. Turn the vacuum on
  9. Pull the lever at the right side to bring the mould up
  10. Once the mould touches the plastic sheet, pull down the little lever on the left to stretch the plastic for more complex or taller mould


My sample
Vacuum forming machine


I did not realise the school has the machine, and such machine exist with not so much complexity to use. Great knowledge, likely to use it in the future.

3 ~ Fabric of Thread


Fabric of Thread. It is sewing threads on water soluble material to get fabric-like result.


  • Variety of thread, yarn, fabric strips
  • Water soluble stabiliser
  • Mould (optional)


  • Sewing pins
  • Sewing machine


  1. Arrange the thread and yarn on the water soluble stabiliser
  2. Place another sheet of water soluble stabiliser on top
  3. Pin the layers to keep them in place
  4. Sew in grids and decorate it as wanted
  5. Submerge the stabiliser into water and wash off the starch. Wash completely to make it flexible
  6. (optional) Water the stabiliser and leave some starch on the thread/yarn piece. Place it over a mould and leave to dry overnight.


Class demonstration

My process

My sample


It was a fun process where one can really explore, do and mix different design. It has been a really long time I since I used a sewing machine. The only cons of the process and what hinders from doing it on my own would be the expensive water soluble stabiliser.

3 ~ Plastic Fusing


Plastic Fusing. It is combining plastic by heating it up.


  • Different plastics
  • Baking paper


  • Iron


  1. Place sheets of different plastic bags into the desired design
  2. Sandwich the plastics in between two sheets of baking paper
  3. Iron for a few seconds


My sample
My sample
Random experimentation (but turns out not so nice)


It was a method that can be used to create colorful things cheaply. I lost my plastic fusing and needed to recreate it. However, as I did not have any baking paper, and tried to do iron it directly and it didn’t turn out as it should be. Now that I thin of it, I should have tried to use other type of paper that might work. It has became rather experimental to me.

2 ~ Transfer Printing


Transfer Printing. It is transferring images/print by using heat.


  • Polyester satin
  • Plywood
  • Transfer paper (The Magic Touch: TTC 3.1 and CPM 6.2)
  • Fabric crayon
  • Transfer ink
  • Flat objects (e.g. thread, feather, leaf)
  • Baking paper


  • Iron
  • Heat press machine


Direct transfer printing

  1. Draw with fabric crayon or paint using transfer ink on a sheet of paper
  2. Place the paper facing down onto polyester satin
  3. Sandwich the paper and fabric in between two sheets of baking paper
  4. Place a hot iron on top of the layers or use heat press machine to transfer the design

Indirect transfer printing

  1. Make a block on a sheet of paper by drawing with fabric crayon or painting using transfer ink
  2. Place flat objects onto the paper before placing them both onto polyester satin
  3. Sandwich the paper, object and fabric in between two sheets of baking paper
  4. Place a hot iron on top of the layers or use heat press machine to transfer the design

Digital transfer printing

  1. Print the desired design onto the transfer paper (TTC 3.1 or CPM 6.2, depending on the type of surface to transfer onto)
  2. Place the transfer paper facing down onto polyester satin or plywood
  3. (satin) Sandwich the paper and fabric in between two sheets of baking paper
    (plywood) Sandwich the paper and wood in between baking paper on the bottom and a foam on the top – the foam helps to push down the transfer paper to ensure more equal transfer
  4. Place the layers into the heat press machine, set it and press


Class demonstration with iron

Class demonstration with heat press machine

Class samples
Creating pattern
My samples
Notes on heat press machine
My samples
My sample
My sample

Personal reflections

I feel it is  a very first technique that is simple yet fascinating. I have always know the gist of direct/ indirect transfer printing but never really tried it before. An honestly, I didn’t know about digital transfer printing before. I still have the paper and will try it later 🙂