From October 18, 2018 to October 20, 2018, the Society for Research in Child Development, a premier child development research organization, hosted a special topic meeting on character strengths titled, “Promoting Character Development Among Diverse Children and Adolescents: The Roles of Families, Schools, and Out-Of-School-Time Youth Development Programs.”
The Early Cognition Lab’s very own Assistant Professor Setoh Peipei and Postdoctoral Research Fellow Cheng Michelle attended the special topics meeting held in Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. to present the lab’s research on the relationship between Singaporeans’ character strengths and prosocial behavior. In addition to presenting research on Singaporean character, Drs. Setoh and Cheng attended workshops on the latest developments on measuring character strengths and the factors that contribute to effective character education. They also engaged in discussions with prolific researchers in character development and education such as Dr. Marc Bornstein and Dr. Marvin Berkowitz.