Dr Wen Yonggang
Associate Dean (Research), College of Engineering
Yonggang Wen is the Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research focuses on large-scale networked computer systems with applications to artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and machine learning. He is a Fellow of IEEE.

Dr Sourav Sen Gupta
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Sourav Sen Gupta is a Researcher and Teacher, positioned precariously at the confluence of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering. While his research interest revolves around the “science of security” (primarily focused on cryptology), he loves to teach the “art of analytics” (broadly dealing with data science).

Dr Li Yi
Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Li Yi is an assistant professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering of the Nanyang Technological University. His research mainly focuses on program analysis and automated reasoning techniques with applications in but not limit to various aspects of software engineering research, such as software model checking, bug finding, software requirements and evolution history analysis. His research also addressed important problems in SMT solving techniques as well as artificial intelligence such as planning and scheduling.

Dr Boh Wai Fong
Professor and Head of Information Systems, Nanyang Business School (NTU)
Dr Boh Wai Fong is Professor and head of Information Systems at the Nanyang Business School, NTU. Her research interests are in the areas of knowledge and innovation management and social media. In recent years, she extends her research into blockchain area. She has spoken in multiple industry conferences, and specializes in research and conducting training for entrepreneurs, managers and employees in areas related to innovation and entrepreneurship. Prof Boh is also frequently quoted and interviewed in the media, and has published several commentaries in local newspapers.

Dr Pei Sai Fan
Ex-Senior Vice President & Head of Capital Markets Department of OCBC Banking Group
Dr Pei has close to 35 years of experience in banking and finance, spanning across commercial banking, investment banking and capital markets, central banking and financial regulation and supervision. His last held senior management position was Senior Vice President & Head of Capital Markets Department of OCBC Banking Group. Dr Pei was also the key member of OCBC banking group’s Asset & Liability Management Committee.