3D Render Impression of Final Product


Our design solution is a wearable token that can be used to dial for the desired bus number at a certain bus stop. Once paired to a companion app on the mobile phone, the token and the app will work together by:

  1. Detecting the present location of user through GPS and located the closest proximity bus stop.
  2. User will input desired bus number and receive haptic feedback to indicate “WAITING” state.
  3. When bus arrives (API retrieved bus arrival status), the companion app will send a signal to the token and the token will provide haptic feedback to notify user that bus have arrived.

While all these can be done without the token itself, it is difficult for the visually impaired, especially those that are less technologically inclined due to the complicated function and hassle to use a touch mobile phone with inadequate touch feedback.

The token aims to bridge this gap by providing a simple to use bus transponder that mainly uses physical touch buttons with braille for easy navigation as well as haptics for output, by transmuting the visually heavy exchanges of the mobile phone into something more reliant on the sense of touch.


Design Sketch