5 Reasons to Sign Up for TechIgnite this School Holiday

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Student Life | 0 comments

It will soon be term break for all university students and school holiday for the pre-university students. And that means finally getting to spend some time catching up with your friends and family or even spending time doing what you want without feeling guilty. While some of you may be travelling overseas during the holiday or finally going back home to visit family, it is always a good idea to set aside some time for self-development especially in this fast-paced world of technology.

TechIgnite is a Technology exploration event that aims to expose undergraduate students and pre-university students to the infinite possibilities of engineering and technology. Speakers from top industries such as Smart Transportation, Manufacturing and Sustainable Construction will be sharing their invaluable experiences working in these industries. Some of the participating companies include Dyson, Land Transport Authority (LTA), and CapitaLand. You can also look forward to experiential workshops such as the ‘3D Printing’ workshop, ‘Smart Polymer’ workshop, ‘Computing Python’ workshop and even ‘Kimchi Making’ workshop curated by our engineering students. And for those of you that are looking to level up your soft skills, the ‘Problem Solving Skills’ workshop conducted by SCSE students to help you excel in your interview with IT companies will be one to add to your list. Whether you are looking to upgrade yourself with valuable skills or to expand your knowledge of engineering topics, TechIgnite can open your eyes to the possibilities of engineering. If that is not enough, here are 5 reasons why you should sign up for TechIgnite this school holiday.

1. Network with executives from TOP and Trending Industries


Photo by Headway on Unsplash

The benefits of networking are aplenty. From meeting like-minded individuals to creating job opportunities, networking allows you to gain new insights and knowledge. The more you network, the more you’ll grow and learn how to make lasting connections. We have invited executives from the top and trending industries specially for TechIgnite 2021. You can look forward to networking with them virtually and getting to know the stories and inspirations behind their inventions!


2. Gain valuable technical skills


Photo by Branko Stancevic on Unsplash

Technical skills are the expertise and competence required to perform specific tasks. Equipped with the right skills, you would be able to accomplish tasks and achieve goals more efficiently. With diverse experiential workshops at TechIgnite, you can expect to gain valuable technical skills in python, 3D printing and more.

 3. Broaden your knowledge of Engineering Topics


Did you know that Singapore is home to one of the world’s largest floating solar farms? Did you know that the world’s largest underground district cooling network is right here in Singapore? If you wish to discover more, be sure to sign up for the Speaker Series at TechIgnite 2021!

4. Develop your soft skills


In modern times, you need more than technical skills to excel in your career and adapt to changes. Effective communication has emerged top most coveted adaptive skill among employers in Singapore today, gaining significant importance this year as compared to in 2020. ‘Problem Solving Skills’ workshop by SCSE students aims to equip you with the soft skills to solve challenging problems and give clarity on what to expect during a technical interview using effective communication.

5. Connect with Seniors and learn more about their experience as Engineering students in NTU


Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash

Last but not the least, you can connect with your seniors during this once-a-year event! If you’re a pre-university student, you can ask our engineering students anything you wish to know about student life in NTU and even how they came to choosing engineering as their course of study!


Ps.You can also expect to win attractive prizes when you sign up for TechIgnite 2021!

Lucky draw prizes include Macbook Air, Apple Watch, iPad, and vouchers!

Follow ntucoe_techignite Instagram page for updates on how to win these prizes!

Register for TechIgnite Speaker Series

Register for experiential workshops

Join TechIgnite Discord channel

Techignite is NTU College of Engineering’s first virtual engineering festival. We hope to bring engineering to our prospective students through specially curated speaker series and experiential workshops conducted by our engineering students.


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