Despite his autism and mild intellectual disability, Mr Ivan Ng, 20, is a part-time administrative assistant at National University Hospital (NUH), who tracks down patient files quickly and handles about 100 of them in half a day. Ivan joined the school-to-work transition programme after graduating from Metta School in 2014.
The school-to-work scheme, was jointly developed by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Social and Family Development, and disabilities support agency SG Enable. This scheme is currently open to only students with mild intellectual disabilities and autism, but soon, it will be extended to people with moderate intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Under the scheme, Ivan learnt social skills, did a nine-month internship at NUH, and continued to receive help from an SG Enable job coach for about a year after he was hired in December 2015. He still works at NUH, tracking patient files and scanning them.
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Source: The Straits Times, 21 February 2017