Three years ago, Ms Jean Loo hit on a winning idea to combine photography, costume-making and every kid’s innate desire to be a superhero into a groundbreaking social initiative to inspire children here. Those who took part in the project, called Superhero Me, imagined themselves as having special powers and made costumes corresponding to their alter-ego.
What is SuperHero Me? It’s a ground-up inclusive arts movement founded by NTU Alumni in 2014!
Now, the 33-year-old wants to bring children from mainstream and special needs schools together. Superheroes assemble, if you will.
Read more here.
Source: Today, 17 March 2017
The 2017 edition of Superhero Me will run from 16 September – 7 October, and a key event is “Who is Coming to Dinner?”: children of different abilities will create art side by side in a purposefully designed “art kitchen”, surrounded by work created by children from Superhero Me.