The Maldives signed the Kyoto protocol to fight global warming and constructed sea walls using concrete tetrapods surrounding its capital. It also actively reclaimed land and launched many shore protection projects.

The Netherlands government has dedicated over €400 million into flood protection a year. A system of dykes, dams and floodgates were constructed to regulate water levels and the Maeslant Barrier was built to serve as protection in case of a storm tide. Sea Walls are also set up to protect the Maasvlakte port in case of high water levels.

In Italy, to protect Venice, the government passed the Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico to construct an artificial flood barrier in the sea, which would rise when a dangerous high tide is imminent. The city also installed temporary raised walkways in busier parts of the city and businesses block their doors until the water sinks. Canals are also dredged regularly.

Read more here.


Source: The Straits Times, 28 May 2017