For the past five years, a Residents’ Committee (RC) in Tampines Changkat has been organising a used clothing donation drive for needy families during the Hari Raya festive season.

It began with a single mother of four approaching the RC manager for used baju kurungs in 2013. As said by the RC chairperson Suzana Ahmad, the single mother approached Ahmad’s manager for used clothing as she was only in possession of three sets of clothing – for work, home and weddings. It was then when Ahmad’s manager began a collection of used clothes. The RC started the donation drive for used clothing for the festive season at the void deck of Block 124 Tampines Street 11. They managed to give away clothing such as baju kurungs and kebayas to 70 Muslim families in their estate.

Ms Suzana commented that they were not expecting much in the first year, for fear that people would not accept second hand clothes. However, recipients’ were more appreciative of the pre-loved clothes than they had expected, and this turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

Since then, the RC organised this charity event annually, helping out hundreds of families. Their team of 15 volunteers scrutinise donated items to ensure a decent quality of the clothes before distribution.

Although this is a collection drive for used clothes, Ms Suzana stressed that donors sometimes give away new clothes with price tags as well. She has also written to boutiques and received sponsorship of 600 new kebayas this year.

Starting June 17, Saturday, families will be invited to the collection centre, and much effort has been put into turning the centre into a boutique with aromatherapy fragrances and a proper display of clothes.

Apart from the charity event, Ms Suzana also pointed out that the butterfly garden near the collection centre is a platform for residents to connect. It started in November 2011 by Ms Irene Ng, a former member of Parliament for Tampines GRC, and is currently being taken care of by a group of about 100 enthusiasts comprising of professionals, teachers, and HR managers.

Read more here.


Source: Today Online, 16 June 2017