A well-pressed shirt not only delivers satisfaction to the wearer, but in the case of one social enterprise, also gives a helping hand to seniors needing meaningful work. This is the belief of The Social Iron, a social enterprise that started its services in June.
The company matches time-strapped customers with those willing to do ironing for a small fee in their own homes and works on a “by neighbours, for neighbours” concept. Customers sign up for monthly subscription plans, specifying the the number of clothing that they want ironed each week, up to a limit. For instance, they pay $120 a month for 40 pieces.
This subscription basis gives their employees a consistent stream of revenue and there are currently six active beneficiaries, mainly women above 60. They can iron up to 300 items of clothing a week in total, earning $1.50 per item ironed. One of them, Mrs Agnes Tan, 64, irons between 50 and 80 items of clothing a week, earning up to $120. She said the work does not tire her as she can plan when to do it.
It is not just the social mission that the firm aims to deliver on. Ensuring the standard of the ironing are two trainers, who have more than 10 years of experience each.
Read the full article here.