Quality pre-school education will soon be more accessible, allowing children in Singapore to have a good start in life.

Annual spending by the Government on the early childhood sector is set to double to more than $2 billion per year within the next few years, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced on Feb 18.

“Good education provides a strong foundation for children to grow, realise their aspirations, and continue a journey of lifelong learning,” he said. “We are determined to give every child, regardless of circumstances, a good start in life.”

It is among measures announced to make quality education – across all levels – more accessible. Many of the measures are focused on helping students from lower-income families, putting them on a more equal footing with others.

For the young, among other things, government-supported pre-school places will be increased to 80% by 2025, up from just over 50% now.

In the primary to pre-university school years, education is already heavily subsidised for Singaporeans. Primary school is free for all citizens, while the secondary school fee is $5 a month. Students pay only a few dollars in miscellaneous fees.

Mr Heng said those from lower-income families will receive even more help. For instance, the Ministry of Education’s Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) will be enhanced, with the annual bursary quantum for pre-university students raised from $900 to $1,000.

Read more here.


Source: The Straits Times, 19 February 2020