Institute of Technical Education (ITE) students are being taught how to market themselves to potential employers.

The ITE and professional networking business LinkedIn Singapore have entered into a three-year partnership where LinkedIn will introduce its online learning platform – LinkedIn Learning, which offers video courses taught by industry experts in various skills – to ITE students and staff.

Staff can attend workshops about product features and in-demand courses to help them create a better digital learning experience for students.

They will also have access to various learning paths on digital and future skills. Upon completion of these LinkedIn courses, students can add these skills and certifications to their profiles.

The chief executive of ITE, Ms Low Khah Gek, said it was important for students to learn to use digital technology to optimise their personal branding and career planning.

“While they are well-trained in hard skills, they need to market themselves online. On LinkedIn, they can inject their personality into their profiles, highlight their skills, interests and experiences,” said Ms Low.

Read more here.


Source: The Straits Times, 16 June 2020