Outside of regular full-time national servicemen duties, six NSFs also spend their Saturdays running a free tuition programme for children living in rental flats in the Henderson area.

Mr Chua Tze Hean, who started Budding Minds in October last year, roped in five former schoolmates and friends to join his cause.

“I felt that our education system is good but there are some groups that need more help. I didn’t want to just complain, I wanted to be on the ground and do something about it and help these students,” said Mr Chua, 20, an executive director of the non-profit group.

He collaborated with We Love Learning Centre in Henderson, a volunteer-run centre that provides reading, art and tuition programmes to needy children.

In March, Budding Minds held its first tuition session at the centre.

The two-hour weekly sessions are held on Saturdays, with breaks during the school holidays. Each child is usually paired with one tutor. While the sessions now average about 30 children from Primary 1 to Secondary 5, Budding Minds plans to expand the effort to help 60 students over two weekend sessions.

The tutors help the students with their homework, mostly in English, science, and revision of foundational concepts.

Books, stationery and other materials are self-funded, and the group hopes potential sponsors can help cover these costs. Budding Minds also plans to expand the programme to more low-income neighbourhoods next year, and try out new practices to engage the families of the students.

Read more here.


Source: The Straits Times, 22 Dec 2019