Making Meaning, a website launched in May, hopes to connect creative professionals with non-profits to support organisations that are struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms Danielle Ng, 25, spearheaded the initiative and manages the site with her colleagues from branding consultancy Somewhere Else.

Ms Ng said she had some spare time at work, as the design industry had been affected by the pandemic, so she came up with the idea of a platform where creative professionals could volunteer their skills to help non-profits.

These skills include digital and graphic design, experience and service design as well as branding and copywriting.

So far, about 180 people have registered to be members on the platform, where they can browse the volunteering opportunities available and indicate their interest.

The non-profits – of which about 30 to 40 have signed up – can then select the person to work with.

About 30 creative professionals have started work on projects with non-profits so far, such as Mr Kenneth Mah, 32, who runs his own copywriting practice, called Verb, and has taken on three projects.

Mr Mah said he now reserves his weekends for such writing projects.

A Good Space, which provides change-makers with free space to hold their events, is one non-profit that has utilised the platform.

Its community lead, Mr Vincent Ng, said the organisation had been looking for someone to help with note- taking via illustrations for a panel discussion it was organising.

He received four e-mail messages from volunteers within a day of posting the project brief on the site.

Read more here.


Source: The Straits Times, 13 July 2020