CEOs call for US to stay in Paris pact

CEOs call for US to stay in Paris pact

As US President Donald Trump nears a final decision on the Paris climate agreement, top corporate executives are mounting a last-minute push aimed at persuading Mr Trump that the U.S. has more to lose from abandoning the accord. The appeals from chief executives come...
Trapped heat is costly for cities

Trapped heat is costly for cities

Heat trapped by dark-colored roads and buildings will cause cities’ costs for tackling global warming to be 2.6 times higher by driving up energy demand to keep citizens cool and by aggravating pollution. The “urban heat island effect”, under which...
Rising sea levels: What other countries are doing

Rising sea levels: What other countries are doing

The Maldives signed the Kyoto protocol to fight global warming and constructed sea walls using concrete tetrapods surrounding its capital. It also actively reclaimed land and launched many shore protection projects. The Netherlands government has dedicated over €400...