by Christie Lee | Dec 13, 2018 | 2018, Reduced Inequalities
It’s the school holidays and six-year-old Raphael was on a special mission with his father, Mr Shawn Quek, yesterday afternoon. They were out at a construction site in Grange Road to distribute gifts to foreign workers. Mr Quek, who has donated 10 gifts, is a...
by Christie Lee | Dec 10, 2017 | 2017, Decent Work & Economic Growth
After suffering a stroke in July last year which affected the left side of his body, Mr Alan Gwee, 50, was jobless for six months. Then he was hired by the Timbre Group to handle the front of house and bar of its new Five & 2 restaurant at Punggol Park. His...
by Christie Lee | Dec 7, 2017 | 2017, Decent Work & Economic Growth
For many former drug offenders such as stroke therapist Kasmawati Kali Ubi, the road to recovery may take a lifetime. The 55-year-old, who went to prison six times from 1981 for using heroin, said it was meeting counsellor Janet Wee four years ago that changed her...
by Christie Lee | Dec 7, 2017 | 2017, Decent Work & Economic Growth
A well-pressed shirt not only delivers satisfaction to the wearer, but in the case of one social enterprise, also gives a helping hand to seniors needing meaningful work. This is the belief of The Social Iron, a social enterprise that started its services in June. ...
by Christie Lee | Oct 16, 2017 | 2017
As businesses around the globe respond to calls to demonstrate their contribution to inclusive long-term value creation for all of society, the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism and EY announced the collaboration in June 2017 to bring together CEOs from over 20...