Events / Challenges and Opportunities in Cultivating Singapore’s Heartware

Challenges and Opportunities in Cultivating Singapore’s Heartware

2 March 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

NTU, 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798

The CoHASS Graduate Public Lecture Series is a platform aimed at providing a public-based discussion platform between graduate students and members of the public.


This year’s Graduate Public Lecture is titled “The Challenges and Opportunities in Cultivating Singapore’s Heartware” by Guest-of-Honour and public keynote speaker, Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker of Parliament in Singapore.


The theme of this public lecture highlight on the various key pillars of social and community focuses which Singapore is poised towards in the future. The lecture seeks to elaborate how the Singapore Government plans to address these issues, and the significance of Singaporeans in play an integral part of this cultivation process. The lecture will also touch on the topics of interest shared by young Singaporeans such as heritage preservation, Singapore’s labour markets of the future and its opportunities for Singaporeans, as well as Singapore’s political future in an era of leadership transition.


  • When: 2 March 2018, 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm (dinner is provided)
  • Where: HSS Auditorium, NTU
  • Cost: Free (prior registration is required)


Click here to register. For any enquiries, email