Events / Congratulations to Welcome Week Winners!

Congratulations to Welcome Week Winners!

31 August 2019

NTU, 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798

First and foremost, a big thank you for subscribing. We hope that you have found the newsletter interesting.


Here are our lucky winners from Welcome Week who have won themselves an exclusive EZ-Link card (worth $10).

  • Zheng Yanlei (5719)
  • Terence Andre (9113)
  • Alvon Gunawan (0667)
  • Megan Chong (9126)
  • Melisa Leoi (2842)


The numbers are the last four digits of your mobile number (for identification purposes), so email us here to arrange for collection.


We are constantly on the lookout to find ways to improve our newsletter, so do provide us feedback on what more or less you would like us to do. Click here to provide your feedback.


Who knows, you might win yourself another prize!