Events / Power To Decide! – Not Just Another Motivational Talk

Power To Decide! – Not Just Another Motivational Talk

1 August 2018

The Red Box, 113 Somerset Road, Singapore 238165


How does volunteering help you to make important life decisions, increase your confidence and learn new skills? How can you stay motivated while volunteering in order to achieve your dreams and create a life of meaning?


Join in and hear Dr Elmi’s sharing which revolves around the “concept of IMPACT” and learn more about how he stays motivated in life and how volunteering has benefited him.


Dr Elmi has been volunteering at the grassroots since the age of 15 and he is an accomplished public speaker known for his high energy delivery and humorous approach.


  • When: 2 August 2018, 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm (dinner is provided)
  • Where: The Red Box (113 Somerset Road, Learning Hub, Level 2, Singapore 238165)
  • Cost: Free (prior registration is necessary)


Click here to read more and register. For enquiries, email Edmond Kwek at


The last day of application is 1 August 2018.